What should I look for in a financial copywriter?


Financial Copywriter

Make sure you hire a copywriter that fully understands the financial services industry

Hiring someone to write regular marketing content for your financial services business is a big commitment. Whether you are looking to produce one off white-papers, a regular blog or search engine-optimised content for a redesigned website, we suggest four qualities that describe a great financial copywriter.


#1 Find a financial copywriter that is experienced

Financial services is a complicated industry. While there are many talented generic copywriters, you want to find one who has years of experience in the sector. This way you don’t have to continuously explain how your business works or the regulatory constraints that don’t apply to content marketing in other industries.

#2 Find a financial copywriter that writes clearly

Let’s face it, the financial services industry loves its jargon. When it comes to terms such as de-risking, leveraging or swap rates, a specialist financial copywriter will not only understand the language but make it understandable to the intended audience – whether that is the man on the street or financial services professionals.

#3 Find a financial copywriter that is flexible

In the digital age, companies can produce a range of content for a range of audiences.

Make sure that you find a financial copywriter who is as comfortable at writing long-form white papers for the c-suite as they are at creating snappy blogs aimed at clients with limited financial services knowledge.

#4 Find a financial copywriter that is dependable

When putting together a content marketing strategy, you need to know that your copy is going to be delivered to a high standard and on time. A financial copywriter who has a journalism and editorial background will be comfortable working to tight deadlines. They’ll be highly experienced at managing several projects at once, ensuring that your content is produced on time and to the highest levels of factual and grammatical accuracy.

Funnily enough, all of the above qualities perfectly describe the staff at Love Letters. If you would like to know more about our financial copywriting services, contact us here.

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